Moderation Meetings – vacancies in meeting chairs – request for assistance

Years 9-12 Learning are seeking support from teachers able to chair an online moderation meeting in September. Years 11/12 state-wide cross-sectoral moderation day is on Friday, 2 September 2022.

Vacancies exist in the following moderation meetings, more information on the 11/12 Moderation page.

As of 12th August vacancies exist in the following Learning Areas:

Learning AreaModeration meeting
EnglishEssential Skills Reading and Writing 2
HPEHealth Studies 3
HPESport Science 3
HPESport Science Foundation 2
HPEPersonal Health and Wellbeing 2
HASSEconomics 3
SciencePhysical Sciences Foundation 2
TechnologiesAgricultural Enterprise 2
Agricultural Systems 3

If you are able to chair an online moderation meeting and have the support of your Principal, please email: with your name, school, and the meeting you are willing to chair by 5:00 pm Friday 26 August.