There are a number of Tasmanian education Policies and Frameworks that may be of use for teachers and staff working across years 9-12 in schools.
Planned Program of Learning
Framework which guides year 9-12 education, offering required and approved programs for all learners, supported by schools and sectors.
The Years 9-12 Curriculum Framework
The Years 9 to 12 Curriculum Framework seeks to engage a greater number of learners through innovative approaches to course design and delivery.
The Vision for Vocational Learning and VET to 2030
The Vision for Vocational Learning and VET to 2030 defines the priorities for Vocational Learning in years 9 – 12 in Tasmania – By 2030, all learners in Years 9 to 12 will have access to high quality personalised, customised and localised vocational learning and VET opportunities to support their career and life aspirations.
The Vocational Learning in Tasmanian Schools Framework
The Vocational Learning in Tasmanian Schools Framework provides an over-arching direction for vocational learning and VET in Tasmanian Schools and will be supported by requirements and guidelines for each of the four areas: Career Education, Work Based Learning, VET delivered to school students and apprenticeships and traineeships for school aged learners.
Requirements and Guidelines
VET delivered to school students
The Requirements and Guidelines for VET delivered to school students provide guidance and parameters around the delivery and provision of VET to school students.
Career Education
The Requirements and Guidelines for Career Education delivered to school students and the Guiding Principles provide guidance and parameters around the delivery and provision of career education to school students.
Work-based Learning
The delivery of Work-based Learning to School Students Requirements and Guidelines provides guidance and parameters around the delivery and provision of work-based learning to school students.
The School and Industry Partnerships Framework provides guidance for employers and industry on how to effectively engage with schools and students.
Department for Education, Children and Young People (DECYP) staff coordinating work placements should refer to the Workplace Learning Policy and the Workplace Learning Procedure on the DECYP staff intranet. Staff working in Catholic and Independent Schools should refer to their own sector policies and procedures.
Apprenticeships and Traineeships for School-aged Learners
The Requirements and Guidelines for Apprenticeships and Traineeships delivered to school-aged learners provide guidance and parameters around the provision of apprenticeships and traineeships for school-aged learners and the support required from schools
Additional Policies Resources
For Department for Education, Child and Young People (DECYP) teachers, the Department’s policies and procedures can be accessed from the DECYP Policy Library.
Catholic Education teachers can access policies and guidelines from the Catholic Education Tasmania website.
Independent Schools teachers can access resources from the Independent Schools Tasmania Website.
The Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification has information available for providers of senior secondary accredited courses on their website. Access to TASC policies is also available.