The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is a leading structured (non-formal education) youth development program, empowering young Australians to explore their full potential and find their purpose, passion and place in the world, regardless of their location or circumstance.
Key features
- Open to all young people aged 14 to 24.
- Three levels: Bronze, Silver, and Gold – each progressively more challenging.
- Four Sections: Physical Recreation, Skills, Voluntary Service, Adventurous Journey plus Gold Residential Project (Gold Level only).
- Achieving an Award recognises individual goal setting and self-improvement through persistence and achievement.
- Funding assistance is available to enable disadvantaged youth to participate.
- Award is delivered most successfully in an educational setting by linking it to, or delivering it as, an elective subject.
The Duke of Edinburgh International Award can contribute to a learner’s TCE from year 9 as part of their planned program of learning. Participants earn Level 1 TCE Points when achieving any level of the Award – 12 for Bronze, an additional 8 for Silver (if they already have Bronze, 15 direct) and a further 19 for Gold (if they already have Bronze or Silver, 38 if direct).

Achieving an Award
To achieve an Award, each young person must:
- learn a skill
- improve their physical wellbeing
- volunteer in their community
- experience a team adventure in a new environment.
Through this challenging journey of self-discovery, students
- are equipped and empowered to achieve their personal best
- learn to take responsibility for their goals and choices
- become connected to and actively engaged within their immediate community
- make a real difference to society through their positive contributions and involvement
- learn to persevere and overcome barriers to success
- learn important life skills
- increase their career opportunities.
All participants are supported by a network of adult Award Leaders, Assessors, and Supervisors. Award Leader training is provided free of charge to adult teachers, teacher’s aides, community volunteers and any other interested party.
Award Centres are institutions or organisations that have been licenced to run the Award in each State or Territory.
For more information, and to locate a Tasmanian Award Centre, visit the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award website.