Years 11 and 12 Moderation

Senior Secondary Provision organise Moderation for Year 11 and 12 teachers. Teachers from Government, Catholic and Independent schools meet twice each year.

Moderation provides a state-wide opportunity for teachers to share expertise and build confidence that achievement standards are consistently understood. This supports consistency across the state regardless of the sector, class, subject or school.

Expected outcomes from moderation meetings:

  • improve teacher understanding and consistency in their approaches to making judgements against the standards for the course
  • enhance student learning outcomes as this understanding is applied to student feedback
  • enable teachers to engage in structured conversation to articulate evidence of student learning in work samples at a point in time
  • give teachers the opportunity to compare how they derived their own ratings with colleagues from different schools with a range of learners.

Assist schools in meeting the TASC Regulatory requirement for providers:

As required through legislation (Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification Act 2003), Senior Secondary providers wishing to receive certification of TASC accredited senior secondary courses must meet all Standards.

This includes the mandatory requirement by all providers to conduct internal moderation.

Standard 5 Provision of TASC – Accredited Senior Secondary Courses reads:

‘Course providers will have effective and documented procedures to ensure comparability of the interpretation and application of course standards to the evidence of student work.’

2024 Moderation Dates

  • Thursday, 28 March
  • Friday, 6 September

Registration, Samples and Pre-submission

  • All teachers need to register by 5pm on Friday 30 August 2024
  • Teachers will be provided access to Canvas course(s) from 23 August 2024. Please refer to the information provided in the registration email.
  • Samples will be available for marking from 26 August 2024.

Resources to Support online Meetings

DECYP Users:
  • If you are a DECYP user your device should already have the Microsoft Teams application installed. Clicking on the Join the Microsoft Teams Meeting link in Canvas will take you to the ‘choose your video and audio options screen’.
  • If you do not have the application installed please use the Software Centre on your computer to install the Teams Client for Meetings. Instructions can be found through the ITS Help Centre. If you require assistance please check with your school IT support staff to assist you before moderation day.
Non-Govt Users:
  • If you have the Microsoft Teams application installed. Clicking on the Join the Microsoft Teams Meeting link in Canvas will take you to the ‘choose your video and audio options screen’.
  • If you don’t have the Microsoft Teams application installed, please download it using this link
    1. Download the Windows application before moderation day.
      For help with the download please check with your school IT support staff.
    2. Join on the web instead. If you join using the web, use either Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome browsers.
    3. Please allow your browser to use your mic and camera when asked.