Senior Secondary Accredited Courses

Senior secondary courses form part of a Planned Program of Learning for many students. Courses are developed by Years 9-12 Learning and accredited by the Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification (TASC). They are available to all registered Tasmanian schools and contribute towards the Tasmanian Certificate of Education

How are senior secondary courses organised?

Senior secondary courses are organised by: 

  • learning area 
  • level of complexity 
  • size (hours). 

Newly accredited senior secondary courses are also organised by focus area as outlined in the Years 9 to 12 Curriculum Framework.   

Where can I find more information? 

The Planned Course Provision site provides up to date course development information. 

A full list of accredited senior secondary courses is available on the TASC website

For a list of senior secondary courses offered by Government schools visit the Years 11 and 12 Course Guide

Newly accredited senior secondary courses

advertisement for new courses in 2024

Click on the graphic to go to the newly accredited senior secondary courses.