Senior Secondary Provision have developed universal Professional Learning (PL) Packs for schools to use to support the implementation of newly accredited senior secondary courses.
The PL Packs include:
- An overview for school-based facilitators and suggestions on how to utilise the resources for differing contexts
- Information sheets with sample session activities and frequently asked questions
- A series of presentations also available as videos
* Facilitating a professional learning session
* Features of an accredited senior secondary course
* Resources to support course implementation - Customisable resources
* PowerPoint presentations
* Sample agendas for full day, half day or a series of sessions.

PL Pack – universal resources
- An overview for school-based facilitators (pdf)
- Sample session activities (word)
- PL Pack – FAQ sheet (word)
- PL Pack – Agenda (Full Day) (word)
- PL Pack – Agenda (Half Day) (word)
- PL pack – Agenda – Series (word)
- Presentation 1 – Facilitating a professional learning session (ppt)
- Presentation 2 – Features of a newly accredited senior secondary course (ppt)
- Presentation 3 – Resources to support course implementation (ppt)